I attended one of LIRA's lecture series for the second time with my friend Jason last saturday at the UP Institute of Creative Writing. I chanced to chat briefly with the poet Rio Alma regarding the possibility of having a workshop for Pangasinan literature. Well, there's no chance of having a workshop at this time since there's a dire need for Pangasinan writers and critics. Pangasinan writers, in fact, are virtually unknown in the Philippine literary circles.
Pangasinan writers should organize themselves into a group and initiate their own research and workshop. Something similar to LIRA or GUMIL.
On the other hand, I submitted some of my poems for possible inclusion in the forthcoming issue of the Little Brown Poetry.
Pangasinan writers should organize themselves into a group and initiate their own research and workshop. Something similar to LIRA or GUMIL.
On the other hand, I submitted some of my poems for possible inclusion in the forthcoming issue of the Little Brown Poetry.