I'll be a busy bee this month going twice to Pangasinan to attend the Ulupan special meeting on July 12 in PSU Lingayen and the AWARD meeting on July 19 in Dagupan City. I was notified via email by the DTI Director that our Governor sent a certain amount for the publication of my book Pinabli tan arum ni'ran Anlong. I am still seeking additional funds to cover the printing cost of the book. I'll be sending the manuscript to the press, hopefully, within this month or so.

On the other hand, I just penned the 37th sonnet for my second book Malagilion: Soniton Pangasinan

dia'd panamegley na linaoa'y dyus
linmesa'y lioaoa ed bilonget
nagmaliw ya iliminton apoy
ya nanlapua'y danum tan dabuk

dia'd dabuk inmalagey si Adan
aristo na amin ya pinalsa
dia'd taglang to inuyos si Eba
ya angilukon ed sankatooan

dia'd danum linmetaw so silula
sinmakbit tan kinmurong ed pampang
inmalagey tan nanari'd dalin
balet kambal to'y dagem na bakal

aya so mistirio na kaoalan
ya ag natukor na kanonotan

Mystical-Poetry Competition Under Way

The Fernando Rielo Foundation is looking for a few good mystical poets.

The group announced the competition for the 23rd World Award for Mystical Poetry, open to all unpublished books of poetry presented in Spanish or English. The subject of the award is mystical poetry which, according to the organizers, is that poetry "which expresses the spiritual values of man in their most profound meaning."

The works must be presented by their authors, and must have 600 to 1,300 verses. Works translated into English or Spanish are also eligible to compete. The deadline for submission of originals is Oct. 15.

Fernando Rielo Pardal, founder of the Idente Missionaries, defines mystical poetry as the expression "with sufficient poetic dexterity of the diverse ways of the most intimate personal experience, in love and pain, that the soul has in its union with God: under the concept of the Most Holy Trinity, the Christian poet; under the concept of God alone, the non-Christian poet."

More details are at www.rielo.com


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