The Lucid Interval
I've been browsing and reviewing the poetic attempts I've written a few years back. More than a hundreds pages of unpublished, unfinished, and undated works. These are not poems but trifles and fooleries of my youth.
I'd try to revise or polish them when I have ample time. There's this distance between me and my muse at the moment -- the distance that hinders the atoms of my mind to be inspired. I guess this is just one of those times when I could only gaze on a blank page whenever I attempt to write, as if I am staring into a void.
Yes, this is just one of those times when a poet's or a writer's mind is trapped inside an invisible wall. This is the so-called lucid interval -- a pause, a break, a hiatus -- but this will come into past.
In the News: John Mark Eberhart talks with John Updike about Americana: And Other Poems. (From The Kansas City Star)
I've been browsing and reviewing the poetic attempts I've written a few years back. More than a hundreds pages of unpublished, unfinished, and undated works. These are not poems but trifles and fooleries of my youth.
I'd try to revise or polish them when I have ample time. There's this distance between me and my muse at the moment -- the distance that hinders the atoms of my mind to be inspired. I guess this is just one of those times when I could only gaze on a blank page whenever I attempt to write, as if I am staring into a void.
Yes, this is just one of those times when a poet's or a writer's mind is trapped inside an invisible wall. This is the so-called lucid interval -- a pause, a break, a hiatus -- but this will come into past.
In the News: John Mark Eberhart talks with John Updike about Americana: And Other Poems. (From The Kansas City Star)