(when) (into) (her) (nakedness) (feast)
(o) (my) (heart) (will) (break) (all) (pledges)
(i) (too) (will) (pound) (god's) (skull) (and) (breast)
(i'll) (neither) (mind) (death) (nor) (ages)

(come) (my) (lad) (come) (and) (break) (my) (skull)
(pound) (it) (into) (dust) (if) (thou) (must)
(thou) (art) (strong) (thou) (art) (beautiful)
(but) (soon) (thou) (wilt) (come) (into) (past)

Poetry and tragedy
The U.S. poet laureate, selected by the librarian of Congress, has been called "the nation's official lightning rod for the poetic impulse of Americans." USA TODAY asked the five most recent poets laureate to each select a piece of their work that they believe has a message for these difficult times.

Books: Hustler with a lyric voice : Edna St. Vincent Millay combined a modern sensibility with traditional forms
Thomas Mallon on the life of Edna St. Vincent Millay Full Article


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