I am currently working on these haikus. Any comments, suggestions, and/or critiques are welcome :-)
storm raging
i tread the flooded ricefields
on carabao's back
fluttering its wings
on my glass window
yellow butterfly
In the News: Fry is back: poetry in motion
Ask anyone to name Britain's greatest living playwright and you will probably find yourself debating the rival but incomparable merits of Tom Stoppard, Alan Ayckbourn and Harold Pinter.
Nexus: Philippine Poetry and Verse
storm raging
i tread the flooded ricefields
on carabao's back
fluttering its wings
on my glass window
yellow butterfly
In the News: Fry is back: poetry in motion
Ask anyone to name Britain's greatest living playwright and you will probably find yourself debating the rival but incomparable merits of Tom Stoppard, Alan Ayckbourn and Harold Pinter.
Nexus: Philippine Poetry and Verse