Methinks literature particularly poetry has no dominating place nowadays in the mind of Pangasinan. Our writers have totally abandoned our mother tongue in favor of the one that will give them a voice to be heard by the entire world. And so be it. I will be alone in talking to the world in my own tongue :)
sonito 125
buragaw a rosas dia ed uma
aliling mo’y sakey a marikit
binmuneknek ed amut a pasen
ya anggapo’y siopan manpilalek
no oala labat komu’y samiong mo
ya pakakabatan ko’d ngaran mo
nibiig ka’d saray dikan balang
ya makakaibeg ed gangganam
anto’y dakep na rosa ed paso
ono say kabat lan sampaguita
no ikumpara ed inkapalsam
tan say kolor mon nidumaduma?
anggan alioa kan sakey a lirio
limgas mo’y anakew na linggis ko
The Ethnokinship Theory of Literature by MACARIO D. TIU
Translation of a paper read in Cebuano at the "Specialists' Conference on Aesthetics and Philippine Literature" sponsored by the National Commission on Culture and the Arts, Subic, Zambales , 12-14 November 2003.
sonito 125
buragaw a rosas dia ed uma
aliling mo’y sakey a marikit
binmuneknek ed amut a pasen
ya anggapo’y siopan manpilalek
no oala labat komu’y samiong mo
ya pakakabatan ko’d ngaran mo
nibiig ka’d saray dikan balang
ya makakaibeg ed gangganam
anto’y dakep na rosa ed paso
ono say kabat lan sampaguita
no ikumpara ed inkapalsam
tan say kolor mon nidumaduma?
anggan alioa kan sakey a lirio
limgas mo’y anakew na linggis ko
The Ethnokinship Theory of Literature by MACARIO D. TIU
Translation of a paper read in Cebuano at the "Specialists' Conference on Aesthetics and Philippine Literature" sponsored by the National Commission on Culture and the Arts, Subic, Zambales , 12-14 November 2003.