Myth of Andibaing°
the sea was her demesne
this sweet & cruel goddess
accursed by Apolaki°
for not setting
her crimson feet
on the sacred ground
of Caboloan°
& now she lingers
where her first blood
dropped like fire pearls
sighs before a touch
folds before a kiss of the rain
& sun
green serpentine
but a flowering wildgrass
that grows in boondocks
in the backwoods or brae
waiting for a poet
or a fool to pluck her
like a rose
° Andibaing - Makahiya plant (Mimosa pudica)
° Apolaki - Supreme deity in Pangasinan mythology
° Caboloan - ancient name of Pangasinan (interior area)
this sweet & cruel goddess
accursed by Apolaki°
for not setting
her crimson feet
on the sacred ground
of Caboloan°
& now she lingers
where her first blood
dropped like fire pearls
sighs before a touch
folds before a kiss of the rain
& sun
green serpentine
but a flowering wildgrass
that grows in boondocks
in the backwoods or brae
waiting for a poet
or a fool to pluck her
like a rose
° Andibaing - Makahiya plant (Mimosa pudica)
° Apolaki - Supreme deity in Pangasinan mythology
° Caboloan - ancient name of Pangasinan (interior area)