Magnapoets issue 2 July 2008 is now available
In this issue, a feature interview with poet and publisher, Marty Gervais. Poetry and short stories by Pamela A. Babusci, Collin Barber, David Barnes, Tom Berman, Dawn Bruce, Darrell Byrd, Ellen Compton, Susan Constable, Magdalena Dale, Melissa Dixon, Curtis Dunlap, Margarita Engle, Denis Garrison, Sanford Goldstein, Taylro Graham, Peggy Heinrich, Kirsty Karkow, Gilda Kreuter, Joseph Kleponis, Jamie LaBree, matthew lanier, Zachary Lochlin, Bob Lucky, Bobbi Lurie, Peggy Willis Lyles, Allison Millcock, Michael McClintock, Jessica Melusine, Vasile Moldovan, Kala Ramesh, G. David Schwartz, Lanie Shanzyra P. Rebancos, Adelaide B. Shaw, Charles Eugene Smith, Vivien Steels, Andre Surridge, Petar Tchouhov, A. Thiagarajan, Sonny Villafania, Mel Waldman, Lori Wall-Holloway, Liam Wilkinson, Mariano Zaro, and J. Zimmerman. This issue edited by Ursula T. Gibson (free verse and form), Marie Lecrivain (short stories and essays), David Herrle (special feature), Stanford M. Forrester (haiku and senryu), and Aurora Antonovic (tanka, main feature, and editor-in-chief).